Sunday, February 28, 2010

Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?

Greetings, Friends!

Blessings on everyone, I'm sure.
Friends, have you noticed, have you been watching, the earthquakes in Haiti and Chile, all the talk of Snomaggedon, and Snow-pocalypse?
It seems we are obsessed, as a society, with the notion of the End of All Things. Natural disasters are no longer natural disasters, but the Finger of God, wagging at a sinful humanity, Lord have mercy; we are the baby boomers, dagnabbit, and our bad weather is not just bad weather, but a prelude to the impending apocalypse!
It's 2010, only 2 years till the Mayans say the world is done. A huge movie was just made about that, starring that young fellow from High Fidelity, which your humble homilist believes was quite underappreciated.
I have not seen 2012 yet; I'll probably take a glance at the DVD.
But friends, with all due respect to the ancient Mayans, the Reverend Buddy is not one of those preachers who is always castigating his flock about the imminent end of all things. No, friends, I am more concerned with helping us navigate the here and now, believing full well that if we take care to surf into the Light now, we will always be able to ride that Next Wave on in, when the time comes, Praise Jesus.
Children, we none of us know how much time we've got. And you, know, my dear flock, it's not how much we've got, but what we do with it that counts. And friends, remembering that these days will go a long way towards helping you find the way home from work, when according to the multiple megaphones muttering from that towering tower of babbling baloney with the plasma screen in the living room, when those voices are constantly screaming at you that today is the day you should load the rifles and bolt the compound door behind you.
Take a deep breath.
When you're feeling that way, children, you need to take a moment.
There are false prophets everywhere.
Your pal the Reverend Buddy, well you know that I ask nothing of you.
I don't want your money, I'm not looking to sell you anything.
All I want you to do is, when you feel like it's all going to heck in a handbag,
all I want you to do is,
Take a breath.
It don't matter what time it is.
God loves you, whether you're in your first moment , or your last, or anywhere in between.
You are loved, sure as night turns to day.
Folks, you should feel a little bit better then, and that's all Reverend Buddy wants.
Now, it seems that our Evangelical friends, and some embracers of the survivalist philosophy, are being singled out for particular scorn by some of our brethren in the blue states. That is unfortunate, but, friends, not unexpected, for we as humans often mock that which we fear or fail to understand.
I have a message from a Ms. Becky Dautrive, of Ganglion Springs. Miss Dautrive writes,
Reverend Buddy,
Do you know if the end times are upon us, and if so, do you endorse any specific course of action?
Friends, I have received many such queries in recent days. I have been perplexed to note that many august members of the Wall Street money changers fraternity have taken to predicting a breakdown in society, urging their fellow wealthy rascals to abandon hope in society's civil conventions, urging them to buy generators, seeds, and self-sufficiency gear, and set off for the wilds, where they might establish compounds of safety in advance of the chaos they feel certain is coming.
Now, friends, I say I'm perplexed by this behavior because the very people who have endorsed this new survivalist strategy are themselves the perpetrators of the events which they now claim shall lead to the sundering of our social fabric. Reckless borrowing, and speculation on the debts of unreliable debtors, has led us to this point; and those who have enabled these fiscal disasters, after having been rescued by your tax dollars, have now taken the evil millions in bonus money they awarded themselves, and are attempting to skulk off into the woods to create their own little utopias.
Reverend Buddy says, Dear Miss Dautrive and friends, let the money changers go. They have mocked the militias in the past, and now are endeavoring to imitate those whom they ridiculed; the evil ones are creating their own apocalypse, and will rise or fail on their own. Let them go.
Bless your faith, for it shall give you strength. We abandoned by our betters will be left to fend for ourselves. Left among us are the nurses, police, firefighters, and other employees of civilization.
We'll have to make the best of it, and we will. Have no fear. Turn off your TV, and take a can of soup out of the pantry.
And don't worry.
No matter what time it is, you've got to keep doing your best.
Breathe, Becky.
You are loved.
And, friends, that is what I wish for you today:
That, should you find yourself outside the door of a compound in the woods, someone will open said door, and invite you in for a can of soup, no matter what the hands read on the civilization clock;
and that, should a knock come upon your door, that you will be able to open it and give aid to your fellows in their time of need.
For that is what we all need, my children: Friends whom we may rescue, or who may rescue us, in times of peril and need.
May you always find friends in your time of need, and may you always be a friend in such times to others.
And remember, at all times, there is love just for you, in the Heart of All Love.
Embrace the Light, my friends, as you
Surf On in Love,
Your Friend,
Reverend Buddy Lee

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