Sunday, February 7, 2010

Hallelulia Sisters and Brothers!

Blessings Upon You All!

My brothers and sisters, I welcome you to the initial message from The Reverend Buddy Lee, Pastor of the Church of the High Beams, coming to you from a cobweb-covered place in your mind, or maybe just somewhere in the ether.
Be advised, my children, the Church of the High Beams is different than any other, for:
No money shall ever be sought from you;
All are always welcome;
Speech shall always be free;
All opinions expressed herein are those of the Reverend Lee, and you need never agree, heed, fear or support them if you don't want to.

Our mission is to bring laughter, light, and the love of our life together into focus for you who may stumble onto our pages.
We believe in God, but all atheists are welcome;
We believe in justice, but we are not judges;
We seek truth, and we take it where we find it,
and if you don't like us, well, bless you brother,
Surf On.
And now, on to Episode 365:

Brothers and Sisters,
I recently read a letter from a sweet young girl. Her heart was heavy, and she faced despair and uncertainty. She was rescued from this despair, my friends, by the light of the Lord's love. That light shined down on her and saved her.
And from where, Reverend Buddy you ask, from whence did come such Divine Intervention, that shined its light on our young darling in her time of woe?
Well, I'll tell you.
Friends, that light came from a young man filled with the Spirit, and I believe, spirits as well, (Jameson probably), a young man who removed his garment in a public place, and sang a song of love and friendship which gladdened the heart of our suffering young lady;
and, yea though he was reviled, mocked, and verily spat upon; though he was called names and mocked by the vicious throng, the young man sang for his friend in distress, and in so doing, gladdened her heart, bringing to her the light of the Lord's love, dismissing her despair as a cyclone dispels cigarette smoke; for love is the most powerful force in the universe AMEN
And our lad bared his soul, and his chest, too, and sang for the sweet heartsick angel, bringing her out of the darkness, and into the light.
And, friends, when I finished reading, I needed a moment.
I became a little verklempt, I admit.
I fell to my knees and asked the Good Lord, Lord, if You ever saw fit to bless me with a son; if you ever deigned to say, Reverend Buddy, here is a little boy of your very own, to raise up and love as your son; well, Lord, I'd want him to be as strong and full of love as the spirits-filled, bare-chested boy who sang to the sweet sad girl in the noisy vulgar coliseum; and, I wouldn't be prouder or happier if he was a big shot, or a rich man, or a lottery winner;
No, Lord, I'd feel like I won the lottery of Life if I had me a boy like that.
Because, friends, the best we can do on this earth is to find friends to love us, sweet friends we can sing to, and comfort; it doesn't take money, and you don't have to necessarily be that good a singer; you don't have to strip, unless you're singing a Barry White song, maybe;
but friends, we are blessed when, in our times of trouble, we have someone who will disrobe and sing for us in front of fifty thousand people, just so we smile.
My sisters and my brothers, that is what I wish for you today:
That in your darkest moment, you will have a spirits-filled friend who will gladly sing bare-chested in a public place, a friend to take your hand, and walk with you, and help you find your way out of the darkness, and into the Light, the Light of the Lord's sweet Love.
Surf On into the Light,
Reverend Buddy Lee

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