Sunday, February 14, 2010

When It's Real Love

Howdy, friends, welcome to our weekly visit. Today is Valentine's Day, and it being a holiday of sorts, well, I figured I'd share with you a riddle:
When it's real, it never runs out;
when it's not, there can never be enough.
When it's true, you can't wait to give it away;
when it's not, it's for sale everywhere.
It's always free; if you've gotta buy it, it's not real.
You can't find it in your pocket, it can't really be kept.
You can't wear it, or eat it, or drink it;
though you can be warmed, nourished, and fortified by it.
When it's real, you show the whole world without a care;
when it's not, you tend to be more...discreet.
When it's real, warts-and-all is still beautiful;
when it's not, even perfection won't conceal that flaw.
We receive it as a gift, often without doing anything to earn it;
it can't be obtained by conquest, or lawful judgment.
The only sure way to get it for yourself is to give it as freely and plentifully as you can, to as many others as possible, without condition, fear, doubt, or reservation; and then you can only hold it for as long as it takes you to give it to another.
When it's real, it shows itself in infinite variety;
when it's not, it's not, no matter how you dress it up, package, wrap, or brand it.
When it's real, it lives on, after you're gone from this earth, lighting the lives of folks you'll never even meet, even though the coroner won't see it among your remains;
If it's not, it'll pass into obscurity, mortal as flesh.
If you have it, my friends, you never really die;
but without it, children, you may never truly live.

Whew! Well, that was a long-winded riddle, there, wasn't it, sisters and brothers?
And of course, you all know the answer, my friends. We all know what it's NOT:
It's not money, or youth, or power, or fame; not influence, notoriety, beauty or sexiness, or wit, eloquence, intelligence, luck, or a Dale-Carnegie-esque ability to engage your fellow human;
no, though we some of us possess some or all of these attributes in copious amounts; possession of these characteristics does not itself translate into happiness;
being 'all that' really isn't what it's about, people; and yea though you may be rich, beautiful, desirable, and a true coochie-coochie-coo cutie; without this one itsy-bitsy word, you're a dried-up pile of forgotten old bones.
What's that word, people?
The word is
Say it with me now LOVE
Say it again LOVE
Say it like-a Felix Cavalieri like a Young Rascal at the end of 'Good Lovin''
what is God LOVE
what are we made of LOVE
What is the
Light LOVE
Truth LOVE
Sword LOVE
The word is love
the word is love
my people it is real it is true it is me it is you it is
And friends your servant Reverend Buddy has been blessed with the honor of telling you that all real love comes from the Lord, and He loves each of you, no matter what.
Did you not get a greeting card today? God sent Reverend Buddy to tell you, You are loved!
No box of chocolates? No red red roses? No matter!
Reverend Buddy, here to tell you: you are loved!
Every holiday, eight days a week, rain or shine, come what may, you are standing in the Light of the Lord, and your beautiful imperfection is loved in all its magnificence, and you don't have to do anything but be you.
Brothers and sisters, this can be yours, every day, all the time, and all you gotta do is one thing:
What's that you ask, Reverend Buddy, are you making a deal with me on behalf of the Lord?
And I say unto you, no, verily, I, the Reverend Buddy, am but a poor broken down pawnshop instrument of the Lord's loving Light: I make no deals, I sell no indulgences, I strike no bargains; no, dear flock, I may, on occasion, sound like a huckster, a Bible-thumping Billy Mays (may he rest in peace), but that is my own corrupt sad mortal imperfection;
No, my dear friends, my joyous duty is to appear before you today to remind you that the Love finds you everywhere; the Real Love is yours always, whenever you wish it. All you need remember is, Brothers and Sisters, all you need recall, all you need know is that the word Love, the word, my friends, the word LOVE is a VERB!
You want love? You got to LOVE! Love is Action, my friends! Put love in everything you do, and everywhere around you will be love!
Just love, love is all you got to do. Don't wait for it, or pine for it, or go on-line for it!
It won't come TO you, people; it's got to come FROM you, because it IS you!
The Lord that gave us sunsets and hang-tens and half-pipes also gave us tsunamis and riptides and wipeouts.
We all of us are blessed and cursed with good and bad stuff throughout our time together here on earth.
The only thing we really get to control is what we DO.
The only thing that shows who you really are is what you DO, your actions.
If all your acts are acts of love, then , my sisters and brothers, you are love.
Be the love, people.
Be the heart of the love. Be real, real love.
I wish you that today, my friends. I pray that you, in each of your lives, may be the love that lights the world of your families, friends, and the fortunate strangers you will meet.
Then every day is a holiday.
Every day is joyful, no matter what happens. Every day is happy, when you love.
Reality is yours to make, every day. Make your love a reality, every day.
Every day is a beautiful day, my friends, when love is what you do.
Every day is a beautiful day, when you remember you are loved.
And you are love.
And the love is real.
Yes the love is real.
Surf on into the love,
Reverend Buddy Lee

1 comment:

  1. that was sweet. i have a lot of love for you, reverend :)
